Monday 13 June 2011

News from Newtownards 'What I didn't know'

This week I have been in Newtownards a lot, not surprising since The Methodist Conference is being hosted by our Movilla Church, you couldn't have had a cup of coffee anywhere  in the town without running into several of our ministers in holy huddles around the 'buns'. 
        My interest was awakened during the Representative Session when Barbara, (head caterer) took off her apron temporarily and as  Society Steward of Movilla gave a brief history of the church as she welcomed everyone to Movilla.  It was then that I realized I have spent my life going to and through Newtownards and did not know much about its long Christian history.
Movilla Abbey or the 'Monastery of the Notable Tree' was founded by St. Finian in 540 AD and is one of Ulster's most important Abbeys.  St. Finian was a local lad from  the ruling eastern tribe of Dal Fiatach, he is credited with bringing the first copies of the Scriptures to Ireland.   His grandfather was Ailill whose brother Dichu gave Patrick, later the Saint, a barn at Saul for a church. How's that for name dropping, but it doesn't stop there St. Columba  attended the school that was established on the site along with quite a few historical dignitries, and the Abbey became famous for  its bronze and glass works.   The Abbey was plundered by Vikings, restored by Norman Agustinians and burned by Brian O'Neill to prevent Sir Thomas Smith getting his hands on it during the reign of Elizabeth I.
      There are many ancient graves within the grounds of the Abbey including one that is pre-Norman, set into the side wall are  three 13th Century Coffin Lids, but the one that took my interest is the more modern grave of Colonel Paddy Blair Mayne of WWII fame.
He was one of the most decorated soldiers in the British Army winning the Distinguished Service Order with three bars ..... from the French Government he was awarded the Legion d'honneur and the Croix de Guerre, the first foreign national  to be awarded such honours. During and after the war  Colonel Paddy's exploits while under the influence 'of a drop of the hard stuff'  are legendary.    I remember my uncles telling me this story.  One night after imbibing a particulary large amount   Paddy and several friends decided to play a prank on another man who owned a small pony and trap.  After seeing the man home and safely asleep on his sofa.... the three friends dismantled the cart and re-assembled it..... pony and all...... in the parlour, when the owner awakened the next day he could not get his head round ...HOW IT GOT THERE!  it may be an Urban Myth but I know several people who will attest to its authenticity.
     But back to Conference..... I am perfectly sure no one at Conference has read my previous Blog so did not know I had been feeling a bit jaded of late, so it was a real blessing to me that the Bible Studies on Thursday and Friday were both on keeping ourselves fresh and our focus on God.
      One speaker related how burnt out he felt, so much so he sank into depression and needed help which he thankfully received.  This proved very helpful when he was chosen to be Bishop and in travelling round his diocese he was able to recognize in many ministers  that glazed look, (no, not from  Communion Wine) but burnt out. He spoke on how we all need to get a balance in  our church/family/working life, focusing and resting upon God.  The Scripture was John 14 where Jesus brings comfort to his disciples in preparation for their task ahead. We broke into groups for discussion,  my friend and colleague Ruth  offered us Matthew 11 verses 28-30 from the Message Bible, I quote.

'Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.'

Aren't those wonderful promises for us all, we get so caught up in getting things done at home, in church.....even on holiday..... we do push our Lord aside at times, for me this summer I am taking these verses to heart, I am going to spend quality time learning from the Lord, I will walk with Him, however slowly..... in the garden, in forests and fields by rivers and lakes .....learn His rhythms, learn how to live freely and lightly in His Grace.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hears and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

I love this picture .......  In  prayer: Don't give God instructions....just report for duty!

Like the summer breezes playing,
                                              like the tall trees softly swaying,
                                              like the lips of silent praying
                                              is the perfect peace of God.
                                               Like the azure ocean swelling,
                                               like the jewel all-excelling.
                                               far beyond our human telling
                                               is the perfect peace of God.
                                                                              Michael Perry
Blessings and Peace to you and yours,
Pastor Heather

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